Village Garden and Play Area

Village Garden
The garden is sited on a piece of land gifted to the village by the 6th Earl of Harewood for a village Hall for the Community.
Funds were raised and some foundations were laid, but at the break of war in 1914, many of the men went off to war, or were involved in the war effort at home on the farms.
After the war it was decided that the funds raised would go towards the new Village Hall in Huby, which would be shared between to local villages of Almscliffe.

For many years the site was used by local resident William John Bradley "Ginner" as a garden and allotment, where he also kept hens. On his death in 1998 the land became neglected and the Parish Council initiated the creation of a village garden.
It was decided in 2002 that the land should be developed for the Community and so a concept plan for its development was created is 2002.
Lottery funding
It was with the assistance of Lottery funds, gifts from organisations and individuals that the garden was eventually developed as a village amenity with facilities for children to play, and for adults to relax.
Volunteers planted trees shrubs and flowers and a child’s cycleway which is also a path around the garden became an important feature if the area.
Together with benches and a dedicated play completed in 2008 area the garden soon became an asset for the village.
Between 2012 and 2014 we were able to provide electricity to the site, plant a village Christmas tree, replace the outer fencing with attractive iron railings, and eventually in 2015 we added a water supply and village storage as the garden had become a regular venue for village events.

By 2018 the play equipment in the garden had deteriorated and it was decided that rather than repair, a new project would be established to raise the necessary funds to replace the equipment and provide additional facilities.
Almscliffe Villages Community Association supported the Parish Council with this project, and eventually in the Spring of 2021 to play equipment was installed and the children were able to use the facilities once more.