Meetings in 2025/26:
8th January
5th March
7th May – 7.00pm start
2nd July
3rd September
5th November
7th January 2026
These dates are provisional and subject to change depending on meeting room availability.
Parish Council Meetings
Parish Council meetings are normally held on the first Wednesday of the month, commencing at 7.30 pm in St John’s Church.
We meet six times a year on alternate months, January, March, May, July, September and November.
The Annual Parish Meeting in May, is the only meeting date which deviates from the pattern depending on elections. Separate agendas and minutes for this meeting are produced.
This meeting starts at 7.00 pm to allow time for the electorate to ask questions and make their contribution to current issues which affect them. Immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting, the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held, with the first item on the agenda being the election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Also, in an election year the meeting moves to the second Wednesday of the month in May to fit in with the electoral pattern.
Parishioners are welcome to attend all meetings of the Council to observe.
Upcoming Agendas and Past Meeting Minutes
Download and open the meetings and agendas by clicking on the below links.
Completed meetings have the full date in the title. Future agendas are listed as month and year only.